Monday, September 28, 2009

Pointless Experiments

Does Listening to Country Music Increase Suicide Rates? (Yes)

Does Anal Massage Stop Chronic Hiccupping? (Yes)

Can Rats Tell the Difference Between Japanese and Dutch Played
Backwards? (No)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Homeschooling Decision

This is an interesting New Hampshire state court decision in which divorced parents are fighting about the education of their child. The mother has "primary" custody and wants to home school the girl and presumably make sure she grows up to see the world as her mother does. The father wants the girl to attend public school so that she will get a more "diverse" view of the world.

Posner-How I Became a Keynesian

Posner-How I Became a Keynesian

Friday, September 11, 2009

The Judge and Andrew Sullivan's Drug Bust

Read this piece describing journalist Andrew Sullivan's (gay Brit working and living in America) drug bust in Provincetown (gay resort on Cape Cod) and the judge's opinion linked therein.

What is the judge's thesis?

What is his argument?

The Empathy Standard

Read this short short piece describing two recent essays, one by Ronald Dworkin (liberal) and the other by Michael McConnell (conservative) on the issue of "empathy" as it applies to the Sotomoyor nomination and the proper role of judges generally.

What is the thesis of each of the essays?

What are their basic arguments?

Economics of Everyday Life

Read this short short piece on the economics of traffic court and auto insurance.

What is the thesis?

What is the argument?